You are more than your sight loss
Could this be you?
Maybe you’re in shock after diagnosis of a sight loss condition, feeling horrified, and angry that nothing can be done to restore your sight.
Or are you doing your best to hide your sight loss, not ready for people to know, afraid of what might happen if you acknowledge how hard it is to do the things you’ve always done, even the little everyday things?
Does it frustrate you that family and friends don’t seem to get it’? Maybe they ‘over-help’, or move things or leave them in your way.
It may be hard to live in the present for fear of what the future may be like, for fear of losing your independence, the life you’d planned and imagined.
Do you find yourself resenting public attitudes to blindness, how hard it can be to use technology, to travel from A to B, grappling with things that you used to do without a second thought?
Counselling and sight loss
Clients going through a sight loss journey, who have lost or are losing their sight say that counselling provides valuable emotional support. Feeling heard and understood by someone who understands the impact of sight loss can feel such a relief.
My training, experience and way of working
I’m trained and accredited as a Sight Loss Counsellor by RNIB. I’ve also worked extensively with the Guide Dogs Association in my previous career as a researcher, and I’m a very high myope myself. I also understand that everyone has a different journey and experiences it in their own way.
I work with you – two important words there, the first being ‘with’ - you’re always the one who chooses what you use the session for. You decide how we work, be that phone or video sessions, and how you get reminders of sessions, for example email, text, voicemail or voicenote. I aim to make counselling as accessible as possible.
Secondly, I work with you, the whole person. You are more than your sight loss, and it probably won’t be the only thing we talk about and work on in counselling.
Counselling with me gives you the time to tell your story in a neutral space where it’s ok not to be ok. Clients say they value a space to talk honestly about how hard it is to live with their sight loss, and how if affects different parts of their life and their identity.
You can find out more about me and how I work, or you can book your first session if you’re ready to do that.